Analysis of the biochemical properties, biological activity and biotechnological potential of siderophores and biosurfactants produced by Antarctic psychrotolerant bacteria

Project ID: 2016/23/B/NZ9/02909 (OPUS 12)
Principal Investigator (UoW): Lukasz Dziewit
Duration: 2017 - 2021
Funding Agency: National Science Centre, Poland

The main aim of this project is to perform complex analyses of siderophores, surfactants and cold-active bacteria producing those secondary metabolites in course of revealing their biological activities, ecological role and biotechnological potential. The detailed objectives of the presented research proposal are as follows: (i) identification and analysis of genetic modules responsible for the synthesis of siderophores and biosurfactants by cold-active bacteria; (ii) identification and biochemical analysis of novel, siderophores and surfactants (with unrevealed activities) produced by psychrotolerant bacteria; (iii) determination of the potential role of identified secondary metabolites in biology and adaptation of analyzed psychrotolerant strains; (iv) revealing the ecological role of siderophores, surfactants and cold-active bacteria producing those secondary metabolites, i.e. their influence on both abiotic (participation in biogeochemical processes) and biotic (influence on co-residing organisms, including bacteria, fungi and plants) components of the ecosystems; (v) revealing the biotechnological potential of siderophores, surfactants and cold-active bacteria producing those secondary metabolites as novel bioremediation or antimicrobial agents and plant- or bacteria-promoting factors.