Research platform on antibiotic resistance spread through wastewater treatment plants

Project ID: 857552 (H2020-EU.4.b.)
Principal Investigator (UoW): Lukasz Dziewit
Other Principal Investigators: Jan Bartacek (University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague; Czech Republic) , David Weissbrodt (Delft University of Technology; Netherlands) , Roel Meulepas (European Center of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology; Netherlands) , Celia Manaia (Catholic University of Portugal; Portugal) , Per Nielsen (Aalborg University; Denmark)
Duration: 2019 - 2022
Funding Agency: Horizon 2020

Wastewater treatment plants render sewage safe for release to the environment. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most important sources of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB). Microbes from humans, animals and the environment – many of which harbour antibiotic-resistant genes resulting from overuse of antibiotics – come together in a confined system. Standardised data collection and analyses regarding ARB and associated genes present in wastewater are vital to effectively managing future environmental and public health risks. REPARES will fill a critical need, supporting academic expertise and funding, while creating the structural framework for cooperation with public and governmental agencies via integrated databases, a web platform, and numerous outreach and informational activities.